

I love getting my hair done. It makes me feel fresh and pretty.  Well my BLOG just got a new fresh new look as well, and it also feels so wonderful.  I’m giddy about the new look, like fresh laundry brought in off the line and a clean kitchen that smells of Pine Sol.

However, due to some technical jargon I can’t understand (and never will – sigh), you should probably re-subscribe if you want to continue receiving my blog posts via email.  I would be so appreciate if you would – I’d hate to lose you.

Happy Weekend!

Peace and love,




  1. love it!

  2. Love it Amanda. and you, but you are already know that I hope.

  3. Nice! Why don’t my capital letters come up as capitals here? Hmmmmmm………
    nice makeover, Amanda.

  4. i seemed to have lost my ability to view or comment wordpress from work, seems i spent too much time reading and less time filing…who knew.
    Id sure hate to loose my only contact via email
    keep on bloggin’